Statement for Limited Local Government

A Statement for Limited Local Government
Saddleback Republican Assembly

Following are Saddleback Republican Assembly position statements on local government that reflect conservative values.

Limited government. We believe city government should be limited to public infrastructure, public safety and maintenance of existing facilities, such as parks and recreation facilities. Our cities need to build reserves to maintain services as the cities age and the infrastructure and facilities wear down. School government should be limited to provide quality education in all fundamental disciplines. Schools should build reserves to avoid seeking bond issues for building repairs. All local government should, wherever and whenever possible, contract out services to private vendors, with formal or informal competitive bidding on new contracts over $5,000 in value and biennial bidding on ongoing services such as landscaping.

Free market. City government should allow the marketplace to function freely in providing goods and services, with limited regulations to ensure the health and safety of the public. City code such as zoning and signing should be strictly enforced, with limited room for exceptions and with no favoritism. The SRA opposes redevelopment abuse, which allows cities to take on debt without voter approval by diverting property and sales taxes from public to private use. The SRA opposes school districts using redevelopment pass-through funds to take on debt without voter approval for capital improvements, including discretionary, non-classroom projects.

Personal rights and responsibilities. All local government should honor personal and property rights, limiting eminent domain to property required to provide vital public services of limited government. The government, however, should expect citizens to exercise responsibility in their own actions regarding basic safety, health and welfare.

Open government. All local government must adhere to the Ralph M. Brown Act and the California Public Records Act. The public should be able to comment on any public meeting agenda item, including those on a consent calendar. Public meetings should be limited to five hours duration unless under emergency conditions affecting the health or safety of the public. A policy of limited government will reduce the public agenda.

Contributed by Allan Pilger,
Member, Board of Directors
Saddleback Republican Assembly