False Claims Are Also Cheap

False Claims Are Also Cheap
Letter to the Editor

In her ballot statement Trish Kelley states, “Talk is cheap – results matter!” She goes on to claim her results include "Earned AAA bond rating (highest possible).”

That statement by Trish Kelley is, at best, gratuitous. Let’s examine how a bond rating comes about: (from The Mission Viejo Dispatch http://missionviejodispatch.com/budget/is-city-hall-broken-deficits/#comments

“Regarding MV's AAA bond rating, that rating tops some similar cities that have much higher reserves than Mission Viejo; because the bond rating is NOT primarily about budget strength - it's about the affluence of the community, i.e. the potential tax base to support repayment of bonds. MV is the #3 affluent city among 34 in OC. That explains why MV's bond rating was upgraded, even while Mr. Ury and the Council majority were approving consecutive spending deficits and falling reserves. The credit goes to residents, not the Council. Not cool to take false self-praise.”

Stay tuned for more revealing examination of Ms. Kelley and her ballot statement.

Just say NO to Kelley,

Joe Holtzman
Mission Viejo